FFXIV – Lyrics: Dragonsong

FFXIV: HW Main Theme

  1. FFXIV – Lyrics: Heavensward
  2. FFXIV – Lyrics: Dragonsong
  3. FFXIV – Lyrics: Revenge Twofold
  4. FFXIV – Lyrics: Imagination
  5. FFXIV – Lyrics: Unbending Steel
  6. FFXIV – Lyrics: Heroes
  7. FFXIV – Lyrics: Revenge of the Horde
  8. FFXIV – Lyrics: Fiend
  9. FFXIV – Lyrics: Equilibrium
  10. FFXIV – Lyrics: Locus
  11. FFXIV – Lyrics: Metal
  12. FFXIV – Lyrics: Exponential Entropy
  13. FFXIV – Lyrics: Rise

Informationen zum Song

Originaltitel: Dragonsong

Zu hören in:
Der letzte Schicksalsweg (FFXIV: HW)
Das Lied von Nidhoggs letztem Ruf (FFXIV: HW)
– Videosequenzen (FFXIV: HW)

Komponist: Nobuo Uematsu

Arrangement: Tsutomu Narita

– Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
– Kazutoyo Maehiro

Gesang: Susan Calloway

Weitere Versionen:
– Acoustic Version
– Eorzean Symphony

– The Heaven’s Ward (FFXIV: HW)
– Contention (FFXIV: HW)
– Misconception (FFXIV: HW)


Heavensward: FINAL FANTASY XIV OST (Track: 55)

Acoustic Version:
FINAL FANTASY XIV: JOURNEYS Arrangement Album (Extra Track: 03)

Eorzean Symphony:
Eorzean Symphony I: Part. 2 (Track: 05)
Eorzean Symphony II: Part. 1 (Track: 07)

Heavensward: FINAL FANTASY XIV OST (Track: 28)

Heavensward: FINAL FANTASY XIV OST (Track: 36)

The Heaven’s Ward:
Heavensward: FINAL FANTASY XIV OST (Track: 31)


Children of the land do you hear
Echoes of truths that once rang clear
Two souls intertwined
One true love they did find
Bringing land and heavens near

But flames that burned full bright soon fell dark
Memories dimmed by shadowed hearts
In the waxing gloom
Did wane the lovers‘ moon
Watching as their worlds drift apart.

One soul’s cry
A passion welling within
A final plea to her kin

Yet this bond of hope
By treachery was broke
Scattering her words to the wind

Swelling overlong
Seas of blood are a song
And death an afterthought
To those who fight for naught

A throne lying empty
A reign incomplete
Alone for eternity
A pain without cease
Children of the land answer this

Why must you turn to empty bliss
Tell me why break trust
Why turn the past to dust
Seeking solace in the abyss

Tell me why create
A circle none can break
Why must you let go
The life you were bestowed
This I fear I’ll never know
Never know…

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Über Dee 830 Artikel
Meine erste FF-Erfahrung hatte ich mit FFX, danach VIII, III, Tactics, XIII, XIV und XV - hängen geblieben bin ich schlussendlich bei Skylanders, der Tales-Serie, FFXIV, BD2 und dem FFTCG (Sammelsucht ole).

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