FFXIV – Lyrics: Exponential Entropy

FFXIV: HW Alexander Boss Theme

FFXIV Alexander
  1. FFXIV – Lyrics: Heavensward
  2. FFXIV – Lyrics: Dragonsong
  3. FFXIV – Lyrics: Revenge Twofold
  4. FFXIV – Lyrics: Imagination
  5. FFXIV – Lyrics: Unbending Steel
  6. FFXIV – Lyrics: Heroes
  7. FFXIV – Lyrics: Revenge of the Horde
  8. FFXIV – Lyrics: Fiend
  9. FFXIV – Lyrics: Equilibrium
  10. FFXIV – Lyrics: Locus
  11. FFXIV – Lyrics: Metal
  12. FFXIV – Lyrics: Exponential Entropy
  13. FFXIV – Lyrics: Rise

Informationen zum Song

Originaltitel: Shisuu Houkai ~Kikou-jou Arekisandaa: Tendou-hen~

Zu hören in:
Alexander – Herz des Schöpfers (FFXIV: HW)
– Alexander – Herz des Schöpfers (episch) (FFXIV: HW)

Komponist: Masayoshi Soken

Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken

Text: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox

Gesang: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox

Weitere Versionen:

– BAND Version
Metal – Brute Justice Mode: Alexander – Last des Sohnes (FFXIV: HW)


The Far Edge of Fate: FINAL FANTASY XIV OST (Track: 35)
Time and Again: FINAL FANTASY XIV Raid Dungeon Themes (Disc 2 Track: 05)

BAND Version:
FINAL FANTASY XIV: JOURNEYS Arrangement Album (BAND Track: 08)


Metal – Brute Justice Mode

Die ersten beiden Teile von „Entropy Exponential“ wurden von „Locus“ , dem Leitmotiv der Alexander-Raids, entnommen.


Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward

Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward

Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward

Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward

Transcendental minds unleashed

Exponential entropy

Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward

Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward

Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward

Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward

Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward

Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward

Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward

Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward

Time out of time (illumination)
Time out of time (illumination)
Time out of time (triangulation)
Time out of time (no destination)

Time out of time (illumination)
Time out of time (illumination)
Time out of time (predestination)
Time out of time (no destination)

Falling back right into the system of
Falling back on all that’s erased
When fighting back right out of this system
Means falling back right into this space

Yes, falling back right in with the system
Who’ll see you falling back to the end
When falling back is better than simply
Falling back into pieces again

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Meine erste FF-Erfahrung hatte ich mit FFX, danach VIII, III, Tactics, XIII, XIV und XV - hängen geblieben bin ich schlussendlich bei Skylanders, der Tales-Serie, FFXIV, BD2 und dem FFTCG (Sammelsucht ole).

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