FFXIV – Lyrics: Unbending Steel

FFXIV: HW Ravana Theme

FFXIV Ravana
  1. FFXIV – Lyrics: Heavensward
  2. FFXIV – Lyrics: Dragonsong
  3. FFXIV – Lyrics: Revenge Twofold
  4. FFXIV – Lyrics: Imagination
  5. FFXIV – Lyrics: Unbending Steel
  6. FFXIV – Lyrics: Heroes
  7. FFXIV – Lyrics: Revenge of the Horde
  8. FFXIV – Lyrics: Fiend
  9. FFXIV – Lyrics: Equilibrium
  10. FFXIV – Lyrics: Locus
  11. FFXIV – Lyrics: Metal
  12. FFXIV – Lyrics: Exponential Entropy
  13. FFXIV – Lyrics: Rise

Informationen zum Song

Originaltitel: Magaranu ha ~Ban-shin raavu~ana toumetsu-sen~

Zu hören in:
– Götterdämmerung – Ravana (FFXIV: HW)
Zenit der Götter – Ravana (FFXIV: HW)

Komponist: Masayoshi Soken

– Masayoshi Soken
– Yoshitaka Suzuki

Text: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox

Gesang: Dan Inoue

Weitere Versionen:

– BAND Version


Heavensward: FINAL FANTASY XIV OST (Track: 21)
Untempered: FINAL FANTASY XIV Primal Battle Themes (Disc 2 Track: 02)

BAND Version:
FINAL FANTASY XIV: DUALITY Arrangement Album (BAND Track: 03)


„Unbending Steel“ hat zwei während der Entwicklung verworfene Versionen (Gnath und Dragonspeak), die auf der PAX Prime 2015 gezeigt wurden. Die Texte der alternativen (verworfenen) Versionen findet ihr unter dem schlussendlich genutzten Text.


High, on high I stand
Gazing down to see
The endless garden
Awaiting me

Red bloometh the rose of conviction
And red bloometh the rose of hate
Yes red bloometh the rose of contest
Firmly bound to its fate

And the war, it wageth on
The storm, it rageth on
The bold ever fight on
Their lives echoed in song

Fall, like snow they fall
Petals plucked and strewn
Yet from their seeds grow
This war anew

Blood trickling down from my fullers
And blood trickling down from mine hands
Yes, blood trickling down to Hydaelyn
Until I alone stand

The war, still wageth on
The storm, still rageth on
The bold blindly march on
Their lives, lost in a song


Dulin ast Dulan ast doth
Kalin ast Kalan ast doth
Thok anyx ast Ranish ast doth
Thok vathik ast gnathik ast Koth

Thoth oka thoth y sa kenne
an in-a an in-a in-est
Thoth oka thoth dula kenne
an in-a an in-a thon-est

Ast Ravana Gnath Ravana
Gnath Ravana Ast Ravana
Ast Ravana Gnath Ravana
Gnath Ravana Gnath Ravana!


Tahn aih an aih an
Hess loh hess ala
Whei an gron afah
Whei an afah

Haff gron y shall loon rhe na-a
A haff gron y eil loon rhe na
Ess haff gron y whor loon rhe na
Taih ong akh ah ala

A khol whor ala na
A khol stol ala na
A whor gahn ala na
Ohsk ahm in akh in na (na)

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Meine erste FF-Erfahrung hatte ich mit FFX, danach VIII, III, Tactics, XIII, XIV und XV - hängen geblieben bin ich schlussendlich bei Skylanders, der Tales-Serie, FFXIV, BD2 und dem FFTCG (Sammelsucht ole).

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