FFXIV – Lyrics: Metal

FFXIV: HW Alexander Boss Theme

FFXIV Alexander
  1. FFXIV – Lyrics: Heavensward
  2. FFXIV – Lyrics: Dragonsong
  3. FFXIV – Lyrics: Revenge Twofold
  4. FFXIV – Lyrics: Imagination
  5. FFXIV – Lyrics: Unbending Steel
  6. FFXIV – Lyrics: Heroes
  7. FFXIV – Lyrics: Revenge of the Horde
  8. FFXIV – Lyrics: Fiend
  9. FFXIV – Lyrics: Equilibrium
  10. FFXIV – Lyrics: Locus
  11. FFXIV – Lyrics: Metal
  12. FFXIV – Lyrics: Exponential Entropy
  13. FFXIV – Lyrics: Rise

Informationen zum Song

Originaltitel: Metaru ~Kikou-jou Arekisandaa: Kidou-hen~

Zu hören in:
Alexander – Last des Vaters (FFXIV: HW)
– Alexander – Last des Vaters (episch) (FFXIV: HW)

Komponist: Masayoshi Soken

– Masayoshi Soken
– Yoshitaka Suzuki

Text: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox

– Masayoshi Soken
– Michael-Christopher Koji Fox

Weitere Versionen:
– BAND Version

– Metal – Brute Justice Mode: Alexander – Last des Sohnes (FFXIV: HW)
– Metal – Brute Justice Mode (Journeys)
– Metal – Brute Justice Mode: BAND Version
– Metal – Brute Justice Mode: THE PRIMALS


 Heavensward: FINAL FANTASY XIV OST (Track: 58)
Time and Again: FINAL FANTASY XIV Raid Dungeon Themes (Disc 2 Track: 03)

BAND Version:
FINAL FANTASY XIV: JOURNEYS Arrangement Album (BAND Track: 04)


Metal – Brute Justice Mode:
The Far Edge of Fate: FINAL FANTASY XIV OST (Track: 10)
Time and Again: FINAL FANTASY XIV Raid Dungeon Themes (Disc 2 Track: 04)

Metal – Brute Justice Mode: BAND Version:
FINAL FANTASY XIV: JOURNEYS Arrangement Album (BAND Track: 02)

Metal – Brute Justice Mode (Journeys):
Death Unto Dawn: FINAL FANTAY XIV OST (Track: 02)

Metal – Brute Justice Mode: THE PRIMALS:
Untempered 2: FINAL FANTASY XIV Primal Battle Themes (Disc 2 Track: 06)

„Metal – Brut Justice Mode“ ist ein Remix bestehend aus Elementen von „Locus“ und „Metal“ und spielt im Kampf gegen Brutalus. Den dazugehörigen Text findet ihr unter dem Text von „Metal“.


Snap click crank whirr whizz wham boom!
Wheels humsing uplander doom!
Crack thoom snap bam bim bangy zoom!
Ah, nearsoon firebloom, crimson FOOM!

Stop dizzyheels of the wicked
Defuse, pop! Debone, slup! Deflate…

No busydeals for the wicked
Too late, far too late, far too late!

Wake the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Create the metal (doom gobbieboom!)
Enfold the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Control the metal (doom gobbieboom!)
Embrace the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Reraise the metal (doom gobbieboom!)
Restore the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Live for the metal (doom gobbieboom!)

Slap tick clank purr fizz blam crash!
Bluehand back, uplander bash!
Whack vroom clap slam zing spinny splash!
Not farsoon we smash heads, we dash!
Boom! gobbie-bombs gobbie-neckbreaks
Again and again and again!

Doom! gobbie-hands gobbie-endmakes
The end! Oh, the end! Yes, the end!

Wake the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Create the metal (doom gobbieboom!)
Enfold the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Control the metal (doom gobbieboom!)
Embrace the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Reraise the metal (doom gobbieboom!)
Restore the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Live for the metal (doom gobbieboom!)

„Metal – Brute Justice Mode“

Snap click crank whirr whizz wham boom!
Wheels humsing uplander doom!
Crack thoom snap bam bim bangy zoom!
Ah, nearsoon firebloom, crimson FOOM!
Stop dizzyheels of the wicked
Defuse, pop! Debone, slup! Deflate…

Brute Justice Transmode!

Twenty-two sectors tested
Fragments in one direction
Celestial noise detected
Delirium unsuspected

Static tuned in to reason (Yes, falling back right in with the system)
Time in the aether deepens (Who’ll see you falling back to the end)
Transmissions blink uncompleted (Yes, falling back right in with the system)
Seven two three two three…<send> (Who’ll see you falling back to the end)

Yes, falling back right in with the system
Who’ll see you falling back to the end
When falling back is better than simply
Falling back into pieces again

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Über Dee 830 Artikel
Meine erste FF-Erfahrung hatte ich mit FFX, danach VIII, III, Tactics, XIII, XIV und XV - hängen geblieben bin ich schlussendlich bei Skylanders, der Tales-Serie, FFXIV, BD2 und dem FFTCG (Sammelsucht ole).

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  1. FFXIV - Lyrics: Locus · Crystal Universe

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