Informationen zum Song
Zu hören in:
– Der Kristallzwilling (FFXIV: ShB)
Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
Text: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
– Masayoshi Soken
– Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Weitere Versionen:
– BAND Version
– PULSE Version
„A Long Fall“ enthält einen Teil des Textes von „eScape“ und Musikelemente von „Out of the Labyrinth“ , „Shattered“ , „Rise“ und „Prelude“ .
A drifting tender
Come ride, heroes, ride
Her galleon severed
Away with the tide
The stormheads gather
Come ride, heroes, ride
Illusions scattered
Away with the tide
Try, dare the dead tread ahead on a road that is borrowed
Design, through the sum of their sons do they seek tomorrow
Tonight, witness then as the end shall begin what was final
Their lies, folding back, further back, ever back to the primal
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