FFXIV – Lyrics: Wayward Daughter

FFXIV: SB Tsukuyomi Theme

FFXIV Tsukuyomi
  1. FFXIV – Lyrics: Storm of Blood
  2. FFXIV – Lyrics: Revolutions
  3. FFXIV – Lyrics: Triumph
  4. FFXIV – Lyrics: Beauty’s Wicked Wiles
  5. FFXIV – Lyrics: The Worm’s Tail
  6. FFXIV – Lyrics: Wayward Daughter
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  10. FFXIV – Lyrics: From the Heavens
  11. FFXIV – Lyrics: The Measure of Our Reach
  12. FFXIV – Lyrics: The Measure of His Reach
  13. FFXIV – Lyrics: To the Edge

Informationen zum Song

Originaltitel: Gekka Higanbana ~Banshin Tsukuyomi Toumetsusen~

Zu hören in:
Götterdämmerung – Tsukuyomi (FFXIV: SB)
Zenit der Götter – Tsukuyomi (FFXIV: SB)

Komponist: Masayoshi Soken

Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken

– Natsuko Ishikawa
– John Crow

– Satoko Fujita
– Takashi Baba
– Joe Tsuchizaki

Weitere Versionen:

– BAND Version


 Stormblood: FINAL FANTASY XIV OST (Track: 105)
Untempered 2: FINAL FANTASY XIV Primal Battle Themes (Disc1 Track: 18)

BAND Version:
FINAL FANTASY XIV: JOURNEYS Arrangement Album (BAND Track: 05)


hana wa shousoku
imi hitohira wo
sadameshi ya ware iku wo tachihirugaeshite

sa iza-

Westward lies bleed t’ward the east
Wayward daughter, step into the night
Restless eyes, blind to the beast
Barren waters yield unto the tide

yorube no tsuki wa
guren ni saete
nokoseshi wa aragai no nagori nomi naredo

sa iza-

Westward lies bleed t’ward the east
Wayward daughter, step into the night
Restless eyes, blind to the beast
Barren waters yield unto the tide

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