- FFXIV: Orchestrion-Notenrollen – Orte I + II
- FFXIV: Orchestrion-Notenrollen – Dungeons I + II
- FFXIV: Orchestrion-Notenrollen – Primae
- FFXIV: Orchestrion-Notenrollen – Raids I + II
- FFXIV: Orchestrion-Notenrollen – Andere & Aufträge
- FFXIV: Orchestrion-Notenrollen – Saisonales Ereignis
- FFXIV: Orchestrion-Notenrollen – Umgebung
- FFXIV: Orchestrion-Notenrollen – FFXIV Online Store & Item Codes
Stand Patch: 6.55
In Final Fantasy XIV gibt es in der Wohnung oder auch im Haus die Möglichkeit, Musik über das Orchestrion abzuspielen. Allerdings werden zum Abspielen nicht nur das Orchestrion an sich gebraucht, sondern auch die Orchestrion-Notenrollen. Bekommen kann man diese in Dungeons, bei Händlern oder auch zum Beispiel Belohnung für Quests. Wir geben Euch hier eine Auflistung aller Notenrollen (nach Kategorie), die man im Spiel bekommen kann beziehungsweise konnte.
FFXIV Online Store
FFXIV Online Store
Einzel Notenrollen
- Oblivion (Orchestral Version)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Revenge Twofold (Orchestral Version)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Rise of the White Raven (Orchestral Version)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Ominous Prognisticks (Orchestral Version)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Calamity Unbound (Orchestral Version)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Serenity (Orchestral Version)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- A New Hope (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Wailers And Waterwheels (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- I Am The Sea (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- I Ominous Prognisticks (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Night in the Brume (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Painted Foothills (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- To the Sun (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Serenity (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- On Westerly Winds (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Heros (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Ink Long Dry (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Imagination (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Old Wounds (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Westward Tide (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Crimson Sunset (Piano Collections)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Moebius (Ochestral Version)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
- Painted Foothills (Ochestral Version)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 3,50€
-1 Notenrollenset (Pulse)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 10,50€
- Notenrolle: Rise (Pulse)
- Notenrolle: Trough the Maelstorm (Pulse)
- Notenrolle: Neath Dark Waters (Pulse)
- Notenrolle: What Angel Wakes ME (Pulse)
- Notenrolle: Sunrise (Pulse)
- Notenrollenset (Scions & Sinners: Band)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 10,50€
- Notenrolle: Equilibrium (Scions & Sinners: Band)
- Notenrolle: What Angels Wakes Me (Scions & Sinners: Band)
- Notenrolle: Schadowbringers (Scions & Sinners: Band)
- Notenrolle: Blinding Indigo (Scions & Sinners: Band)
- Notenrolle: Insatible (Scions & Sinners: Band)
- Notenrollenset (Scions & Sinners: Piano)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 10,50€
- Notenrolle: Invincible (Scions & Sinners: Piano)
- Notenrolle: Tomorrow and Tomorrow (Scions & Sinners: Amanda Achen Vocals)
- Notenrolle: Return to Obilivion (Scions & Sinners: Amanda Achen Vocals)
- Notenrolle: What Angels Wakes Me (Scions & Sinners: Amanda Achen Vocals)
- Notenrolle: A Long Fall (Scions & Sinners: Piano)
- Notenrollenset (Pulse II)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 10,50€
- Notenrolle: Unbreakable (Pulse)
- Notenrolle: Equilibrium (Pulse)
- Notenrolle: Beauty’s Wicked Wiles (Pulse)
- Notenrolle: I Am the Sea (Pulse)
- Notenrolle: A Long Fall (Pulse)
- Notenrollenset Eorzean Symphony (Orchestral Version)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 10,50€
- Notenrolle: Shadowbringers (Orchestral Version)
- Notenrolle: Endcaller (Orchestral Version)
- Notenrolle: Your Answer (Orchestral Version)
- Notenrolle: Close in the Distance (Orchestral Version)
- Notenrolle: The Final Day (Orchestral Version)
- Notenrollenset (Forge Ahead: Band)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 10,50€
- Notenrolle: To the Edge (Forge Ahead)
- Notenrolle: White Stone Black (Forge Ahead)
- Notenrolle: Scream (Forge Ahead)
- Notenrolle: In the Balance (Forge Ahead)
- Notenrolle: Athena, the Tireless One (Forge Ahead)
- Notenrollenset (Forge Ahead: Piano)
FFXIV Online Store -> Notenrollen -> 10,50€
- Notenrolle: Flow (Forge Ahead)
- Notenrolle: What Once Was (Forge Ahead)
- Notenrolle: Carrots of Happiness (Forge Ahead)
- Notenrolle: The Labyrinth (Forge Ahead)
- Notenrolle: Dedicated to Moonlight (Amanda Achen Vocals)
Item Code
Item Code
- Borderless (Duality)
Final Fantasy XIV: Duality Arrangement Album – SE Store (28,99€)
- Unbending Steel (Duality)
Final Fantasy XIV: Duality Arrangement Album – SE Store (28,99€)
- Ultima (Orchestral Version)
Eorzean Symphony: Final Fantasy XIV Orchestral Album – SE Store (49,99€)
- Heroes (Orchestral Version)
Eorzean Symphony: Final Fantasy XIV Orchestral Album – SE Store (49,99€)
- Wayward Daughter (Chiptune Version)
Final Fantasy XIV – The Best Compilation Album – SE Store (39,99€)
- The Worm's Tail (Chiptune Version)
Final Fantasy XIV – The Best Compilation Album – SE Store (39,99€)
- The Worm's Tail (Journeys Version)
Journeys: Final Fantasy XIV Arrangement Album – SE Store (28,99€)
- EScape (Journeys Version)
Journeys: Final Fantasy XIV Arrangement Album – SE Store (28,99€)
- Tsukuyomi's Pain (Orchestral Version)
Eorzean Symphony: Final Fantasy XIV Orchestral Album Vol. 2 – SE Store (49,99€)
- The Worm's Tail (Orchestral Version)
Eorzean Symphony: Final Fantasy XIV Orchestral Album Vol. 2 – SE Store (49,99€)
- Neath Dark Waters (Scions & Sinners)
Final Fantasy XIV: Scions & Sinners Arrangement Album – SE Store (36,99€)
- A Long Fall (Scions & Sinners)
Final Fantasy XIV: Scions & Sinners Arrangement Album – SE Store (36,99€)
- Close in the Distance (Beyond the Shadows)
The Primal Live in Japan – Beyond the Shadows – SE Store (49,99€)
- Hic Svnt Leones (Beyond the Shadows)
The Primal Live in Japan – Beyond the Shadows – SE Store (49,99€)
- To the Edge (Piano Collections)
Eorzean Symphony: Final Fantasy XIV Orchestral Album Vol. 3 – SE-Store (59,99€)
- Flow (Piano Collections)
Eorzean Symphony: Final Fantasy XIV Orchestral Album Vol. 3 – SE-Store (59,99€)
- Dedicated To Moonlight (Forge Ahead)
Forge Ahead: Final Fantasy XIV Arrangement Album – SE-Store (39,99€)
- In The Balance (Amanda Achen Vocals)
Eorzean Symphony: Final Fantasy XIV Orchestral Album Vol. 3 – SE-Store (39,99€)
FFXIV Online Store oder Item Code
FFXIV Online Store oder Item Code
Folgende Notenrollen werden entweder im FFXIV Online Store oder als Item Code zur Verfügung stehen:
- To The Edge (Forge Ahead)
- White Stone Black (Forge Ahead)
- Scream (Forge Ahead)
- In The Balance (Forge Ahead)
- Athena, The Tireless One (Forge Ahead)
- Flow (Forge Ahead)
- What Once Was (Forge Ahead)
- Carrots Of Happiness (Forge Ahead)
- The Labyrinth (Forge Ahead)
- Dedicated To Moonlight (Amanda Achen Vocals)
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